/** * Changelog * * @package Email Protector * * @author Peter van Westen * @link https://www.regularlabs.com * @copyright Copyright © 2016 Regular Labs - All Rights Reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL */ /** * + Addition * ! Removal * ^ Change * # Fix */ 16-Apr-2016 : v3.0.0 ^ Moves from NoNumber to Regular Labs branding 07-Apr-2016 : v2.0.10 # Fixes issue with html breaking when {emailprotector=off} / {emailcloak=off} is found in an html comment 30-Mar-2016 : v2.0.9 ^ Adds version number to own css/js files ^ Also disables email cloaking when the {emailcloak=off} is found (not only {emailprotector=off}) ^ Updates some HTML syntax # Fixes issue with email addresses inside comments being converted 28-Jan-2016 : v2.0.8 # Fixes issues with Joomla 3.5 and php7 compatibility 17-Jan-2016 : v2.0.7 + Adds translations: cs-CZ, hu-HU # Fixes issue with form fields with html in the value not being ignored 03-Nov-2015 : v2.0.6 # Fixes issue with tags not getting interpreted 19-Oct-2015 : v2.0.5 + Adds translations: ja-JP # Fixes issue with email addresses being changed to nullnull... on ajax loaded content 18-Aug-2015 : v2.0.4 # Fixes issue with core Email Cloaker plugin not getting disabled on installation 09-Aug-2015 : v2.0.3 # Fixes issue with php error about call to a member function get() on a non-object on some components 07-Aug-2015 : v2.0.2 # Fixes issue with upgrading not working 02-Aug-2015 : v2.0.1 # Fixes issue with core Email Cloaker plugin not getting disabled on installation 31-Jul-2015 : v2.0.0 ! [J2.5] Removes Joomla 2.5 support ^ Changes minimum requirement to Joomla version 3.4.1 ^ Recodes the installer # Fixes issue with W3C validation error on the void link href 16-May-2015 : v1.3.10 + Adds translations: uk-UA ^ [J3] Improves rendering speed on pages with large contents 06-Mar-2015 : v1.3.9 # Fixes issue with multiple instances of same email address not showing in some cases # Fixes issue with scripts/styles not being added to document head if component buffer is empty 22-Jan-2015 : v1.3.8 ^ Improves loading speed of pages with large amounts of content 13-Jan-2015 : v1.3.7 # Fixes issue with emails sometimes not being protected when in small text blocks 08-Jan-2015 : v1.3.6 ! Removes compatibility for php versions under 5.3.13 ! [J3] Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.3.0 # Fixes issue with error about nnFile on installation on some setups 11-Nov-2014 : v1.3.5 # Fixes issue with invalid markup of the html comment, causing W3C check to fail 24-Oct-2014 : v1.3.4 # Fixes issue with emails inside form elements with single quoted attributes being protected (was not completely fixed in v1.3.3) 18-Oct-2014 : v1.3.3 # Fixes issue with emails inside form elements with single quoted attributes being protected # Fixes issue with plugin not being run over introtext/fulltext on onContentPrepare event # Fixes issue with plugin not working on jDownloads frontend view 29-Aug-2014 : v1.3.2 ! Removes useless Free/Pro message (as there is no Pro version) # Fixes issue with scripts and styles being placed when there are no email addresses on the page 26-Aug-2014 : v1.3.1 ^ Improves speed a bit ^ Refactores more code # Fixes issue with emails inside very long form values being protected # Fixes issue with not all form elements being protected 16-Aug-2014 : v1.3.0 ^ Refactores code # Fixes issue with mailto value returning empty when javascript functions are triggered twice # [J2] Fixes issue with errors after upgrade to Joomla 3 27-May-2014 : v1.2.6 ! [J3] Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.2.2 ^ Updates translations: id-ID # Fixes issue with form elements being base64 protected in html output in some odd cases 10-May-2014 : v1.2.5 + Adds translations: nl-NL, sl-SI ^ Updates translations: id-ID 20-Feb-2014 : v1.2.4 ^ Changes Joomla namespace to emailProtector (in javascript) ^ Updates translations: sv-SE # Fixes issue with some missing language strings in some occasions # Fixes issues with the contact component (and possible other extensions that directly use core cloaking) # Fixes speed issues with json/ajax loaded content 03-Jan-2014 : v1.2.3 ^ Improves rendering speed on list views ^ Improves some code in NoNumber Framework which improves page load speed 16-Dec-2013 : v1.2.2 + Adds translations: sk-SK, sv-SE # Fixes issue with emails in href urls being cloaked and messing up html 18-Nov-2013 : v1.2.1 + Adds translations: de-DE, el-GR, id-ID, lt-LT, ru-RU # Fixes installation error about duplicate entry on some MySQL 5.6 setups # Fixes issue with emails inside tags being protected # Fixes some issues with compatibility with AcyMailing 12-Nov-2013 : v1.2.0 + Adds ability to define how emails in feeds get handled # Fixes issue with output in feeds causing it to break # Fixes issue with scripts not being placed when emailsiframe are only found in cached modules 07-Nov-2013 : v1.1.0 + Adds option to display the email with [AT] and [DOT] ^ Completely recoded the logic in finding and converting emails (no longer based on Joomla core) # Fixes issue with spaces in mailto subject being removed # Fixes issue with spans in mailto link messing up result # Fixes issue with styles and scripts not being placed when emails are only found in modules 05-Nov-2013 : v1.0.3 ^ Minifies javascript with Google Closure # Fixes issue with javascript not always getting placed when it should 04-Nov-2013 : v1.0.2 # Fixes issue with email addresses in Sourcerer code being converted # Fixes issue with email addresses in text and textarea fields being converted 03-Nov-2013 : v1.0.1 # Fixes incorrect language strings 03-Nov-2013 : v1.0.0 + First release