/** * Changelog * * @package Regular Labs Extension Manager * * @author Peter van Westen * @link https://www.regularlabs.com * @copyright Copyright © 2016 Regular Labs - All Rights Reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL */ /** * + Addition * ! Removal * ^ Change * # Fix */ 30-Mar-2017 : v7.0.3 # Fixes issue with queue breaking when installation fails 25-Mar-2017 : v7.0.2 ^ Updates translations: uk-UA 13-Feb-2017 : v7.0.1 ^ Updates translations: sv-SE # Fixes issue with Download Key not being saved via form in main view 08-Feb-2017 : v7.0.0 ^ Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.4.1 to Joomla 3.6.0 ^ Changes minimum requirement from php 5.3.13 to php 5.4 ^ Completely recoded the extension and Regular Labs Library (now using namespaces) ^ Improves layout of buttons ^ Improves styling on Joomla 3.7 ^ Updates translations: id-ID, ja-JP # Fixes issue with Regular Labs Library plugin causing slowness in administrator when 'Show Help Menu Item' is enabled # Fixes issue with temp folder potentially getting deleted when installation fails # Fixes issue with timeout option not working (always defaulting to 20 seconds) # [PRO] Fixes issue with updates via core installer sometimes failing 21-Nov-2016 : v6.1.2 ^ Updates translations: de-DE, tr-TR # Fixes issue with links to settings/plugins not being correct when non-English language uses different extension names # Fixes issues with page breaking when Regular Labs Library folder is missing 28-Sep-2016 : v6.1.1 # Fixes issue with some missing tooltip descriptions 27-Sep-2016 : v6.1.0 + Adds extension: Conditional Content + Adds extension: Simple User Notes + Adds translations: nl-BE ^ Updates translations: nl-NL 13-Jul-2016 : v6.0.6 ^ Updates translations: tr-TR # Fixes issue with Combine Admin Menu option in Regular Labs Library not working in J3.6 16-Jun-2016 : v6.0.5 # Fixes issue with extracted folders in tmp folder not getting cleaned up on some setups 14-Jun-2016 : v6.0.4 + Adds notice to uninstall the old NoNumber Framework when still installed ^ Updates translations: da-DK, tr-TR 19-May-2016 : v6.0.3 # Fixes issue with NoNumber Extension Manager not getting properly uninstalled 13-May-2016 : v6.0.2 # Fixes issue with 1064 error on some setups 22-Apr-2016 : v6.0.1 # Fixes icon in admin templates using component menu icons 16-Apr-2016 : v6.0.0 ^ Moves from NoNumber to Regular Labs branding 16-Mar-2016 : v5.2.5 ^ Adds version number to own css/js files ^ Updates some HTML syntax # Fixes issue with element showing that shouldn't when Download Key seems invalid # Fixes issue with javascript alert showing after doing a retry 06-Feb-2016 : v5.2.4 # Fixes issue with database error upon installation 03-Feb-2016 : v5.2.3 # Fixes issue with update sites not being updated when saving the Download Key in the NoNumber Extension Manager 28-Jan-2016 : v5.2.2 + Adds up-to-date label ^ Moves reinstall button to the right # Fixes issues with Joomla 3.5 and php7 compatibility 23-Oct-2015 : v5.2.1 ^ Updates translations: ja-JP 11-Sep-2015 : v5.2.0 + Adds extension: GeoIP ^ Improves feedback of errors/warnings ^ Improves resizing of modal # Fixes issue with error about Class NNFrameworkFunctions not found on some setups 20-Aug-2015 : v5.1.3 # Fixes issue with duplicate update sites 13-Aug-2015 : v5.1.2 # Fixes issue with pages breaking when querying extra urls 08-Aug-2015 : v5.1.1 # Fixes issue with error on saving Download Key 07-Aug-2015 : v5.1.0 ! Removes proxy settings (now using global configuration settings) ^ Updates translations: ja-JP # Fixes issue with uninstallation getting into a loop # Fixes issue with upgrading not working 30-Jul-2015 : v5.0.2 ^ Removes old code # Fixes issue with installed free versions being displayed as being 'old' 29-Jul-2015 : v5.0.1 # Fixes issues on uninstallation 29-Jul-2015 : v5.0.0 ! [J2.5] Removes Joomla 2.5 support ^ Changes minimum requirement to Joomla version 3.4.1 ^ Recodes the installer ^ Updates translations: de-DE, it-IT 03-Apr-2015 : v4.8.7 # [J3] Fixes issue with version data not updating upon updates/refresh 02-Apr-2015 : v4.8.6 # [J2] Fixes issue with errors on installation 01-Apr-2015 : v4.8.5 # [J3] Fixes issues with wrong buttons and data showing for installed extensions 01-Apr-2015 : v4.8.4 # [J3] Fixes some installation issues 25-Mar-2015 : v4.8.3 # [J3] Fixes issue with checkboxes not showing 19-Mar-2015 : v4.8.2 # [J3] Fixes issue with invalid Download Key message showing when having no pro extensions installed 19-Mar-2015 : v4.8.1 # [J3] Fixes issue with invalid Download Key message showing when not all of multiple subscriptions are expired 16-Mar-2015 : v4.8.0 ^ Updates translations: de-DE, hu-HU, nl-NL, uk-UA ^ [J3] Implements update via NoNumber Extension Manager in extension update messages 24-Jan-2015 : v4.7.1 ^ Updates translations: id-ID, sv-SE # Fixes issue with saving of Download Key not working on some settings 21-Jan-2015 : v4.7.0 + [J3] Adds Download Key field in component view + [J3] Adds Reinstall All button + [J3] Adds message when installation fails ^ Improves messages when Download Key is not filled in/valid ^ Updates translations: it-IT, uk-UA 08-Jan-2015 : v4.6.6 + [J3] Adds save button next to Download Key field ! Removes compatibility for php versions under 5.3.13 # Fixes issue with Sliders description not displaying 16-Dec-2014 : v4.6.5 ! [J3] Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.3.0 ^ Updates review links to the Joomla Extensions Directory ^ Updates translations: pt-BR, sv-SE # [J3] Fixes issue with Download Key field not being editable 19-Nov-2014 : v4.6.4 # Fixes issue with copyright language strings not being unique # Fixes issue with error about nnFile on installation on some setups 12-Nov-2014 : v4.6.3 # Fixes issue with download urls not passing correct data 10-Nov-2014 : v4.6.2 ^ Updates translations: pl-PL ^ [J3] Made Download Key field cloaked text with extra update button/field # [PRO] Fixes issues with duplicate rows in update_sites table 25-Oct-2014 : v4.6.0 + [J3] Adds script to update the update site urls, so updating to pro via Joomla updater is possible ^ Updates translations: et-EE, id-ID, lt-LT, sk-SK ^ [J3] Made Download Key field plain text instead of password field 13-Oct-2014 : v4.5.1 # Fixes issue with missing language string for DUMMY_CONTENT_DESC 06-Oct-2014 : v4.5.0 + Adds extension: Dummy Content 28-Aug-2014 : v4.4.1 # Fixes issue with missing language strings 05-Aug-2014 : v4.4.0 ^ Updates translations: id-ID, lt-LT, nl-NL # [J2] Fixes issue with errors after upgrade to Joomla 3 19-Jun-2014 : v4.3.1 ! [J3] Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.2.2 ^ Refactors code ^ Updates translations: de-DE, et-EE, id-ID, lt-LT, pt-BR # [J3] Fixes issue with wrong version number for Advanced Template Manager 1.0.1 showing 21-May-2014 : v4.3.0 + Adds extension: IP Login + Adds translations: hr-HR, sr-RS ^ Updates translations: de-DE, et-EE, id-ID, nl-NL, sk-SK 11-May-2014 : v4.2.12 # [J3] Adds extension: Advanced Template Manager 23-Apr-2014 : v4.2.11 ^ Updates translations: id-ID # [J3] Fixes issue with uninstall window always returning failed message # [J3] Fixes some styling issues after uninstalling an extension 16-Apr-2014 : v4.2.10 ^ Updates translations: id-ID # [J2] Fixes issue with comments having a no-wrap styling, causing layout issues 10-Apr-2014 : v4.2.9 + Adds translations: cs-CZ, id-ID, nl-NL, sv-SE, zh-CN ! Hides AdminBar Docker if not installed ! Hides Timed Styles if not installed ^ Updates translations: ru-RU # Fixes installation error about duplicate entry on some MySQL 5.6 setups 07-Nov-2013 : v4.2.8 ^ Updates translations: de-DE, et-EE, lt-LT, sk-SK 03-Nov-2013 : v4.2.7 # Fixes missing language strings for Email Protector 03-Nov-2013 : v4.2.6 + Adds extension: Email Protector 01-Nov-2013 : v4.2.5 # Fixes issue with icons not working 31-Oct-2013 : v4.2.4 + [J3] Adds extension: Better Preview ^ Updates translations: de-DE, et-EE 31-Oct-2013 : v4.2.3 + Adds extension: Components Anywhere + Adds translations:fa-IR, pl-PL, tr-TR ^ Changes javascript minification to use Google Closure ^ Updates translations: ar-AA, ar-SA, bg-BG, bn-BD, ca-ES, da-DK, el-GR, es-ES, fr-FR, hu-HU, it-IT, ja-JP, nb-NO, ro-RO, uk-UA 23-Aug-2013 : v4.2.2 # Fixes issue with false alert about 'could not retrieve data' showing on some setups 07-Aug-2013 : v4.2.1 # [J2] Fixes issue with not being able to install when Qlue404 is installed 06-Aug-2013 : v4.2.0 + [PRO] Adds option to hide copyright info on the main admin component view + [PRO] Adds option to hide the update notification on the main admin component view + [J3] Adds extension: Add to Menu ! [J2] Removes compatibility for Joomla 2.5 versions lower than 2.5.10 ! [J3.0] Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions lower than 3.1.0 # Fixes issue with main version update notice not working 18-Jun-2013 : v4.1.10 ^ [J2] Changes some more extension icon images to font icons 11-Jun-2013 : v4.1.9 ^ [J2] Changes extension icon images to font icons 11-Jun-2013 : v4.1.8 + Adds extension: Modals ! [J2] Hides Modalizer if not installed ^ Improves minification of js files ^ Updates translations: de-DE 28-Mar-2013 : v4.1.7 # [J2] Fixes issue with settings popup showing overlay and styling being messed up 28-Mar-2013 : v4.1.6 # Fixes faulty icon in admin components menu (sorry) 26-Mar-2013 : v4.1.5 ^ Changes messaging on installation on unsupported Joomla versions ^ Cleans up some code (syntax) ^ Moves/fixed location of admin menu icon # [J3] Fixes issue with special characters not showing up correctly in tooltips 18-Mar-2013 : v4.1.4 + [J3] Adds extension: Tooltips ^ Updates translations: lt-LT, sl-SI 09-Feb-2013 : v4.1.3 + [J3] Adds extension: DB Replacer + [J3] Adds extension: Snippets 09-Feb-2013 : v4.1.2 + Adds less files for generating css files + [J2] Changes Slider to Sliders + [J2] Changes Tabber to Tabs + [J3] Adds extension: Sliders + [J3] Adds extension: Tabs ^ Minifies css and js files ^ Updates translations: pt-BR, pt-PT, ru-RU th-TH ^ [J2] Changes styling of elements to match the Bootstrap styling of the J3 version a bit more # Fixes issue with error on installation when Joomla FTP layer is switched on # Fixes some issues with installation breaking and throwing errors on some setups 10-Jan-2013 : v4.1.1 ^ Updates translations: hu-HU, sv-SE # [J3] Fixes issue with check all checkbox not working # [J3] Fixes issue with php error when NoNumber Framework plugin is not installed or enabled 30-Dec-2012 : v4.1.0 + [J3] Adds extension: Content Templater ! Removes Install All button ^ Cleans up code ^ Moves media files to Joomla media folder ^ Updates translations: et-EE, sk-SK, zh-TW ^ [J2] Changes styling of buttons to match the Bootstrap styling of the J3 version # Fixes error about XML setup file on first install 11-Dec-2012 : v4.0.0 + [J3] Adds Joomla 3 support ! [J1.5] Removes Joomla 1.5 support ^ Updates translations: et-EE, nb-NO, th-TH 11-Sep-2012 : v3.3.3 ! [J1.5] LAST VERSION COMPATIBLE WITH JOOMLA 1.5 ^ Updates translations: it-IT, sv-SE # [J2] Fixes issue with NoNumber Extension Manager not working when updated from old version 04-Sep-2012 : v3.3.2 # [J2] Fixes issue with error on some pages with no Itemid (framework issue) 04-Sep-2012 : v3.3.1 + Adds Joomla version to download url ^ Updates translations: th-TH 10-Aug-2012 : v3.3.0 + Adds Timeout setting for data retrieval from NoNumber server ^ Changes default timeout for data retrieval from 3 to 5 seconds ^ Updates translations: ja-JP, nl-NL 03-Jul-2012 : v3.2.6 ^ Updates translations: nl-NL # [J1.5] Fixes issue with installs not working due to javascript error (Mootools 1.11) 02-Jul-2012 : v3.2.5 ^ Improves process script # Fixes faulty language string on Start button in process window 29-Jun-2012 : v3.2.4 ! Removes ability to install on Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 ! Removes ability to install on setups with php 5.2 or lower ^ Changes title and button in modal popup to be clearer ^ Cleans a lot of code ^ Updates translations: de-DE, hu-HU, sk-SK 22-May-2012 : v3.2.3 ^ Updates translations: es-ES # Fixes issue with data/update check not working on some setups running in safe mode 10-May-2012 : v3.2.2 ^ Improves preference of comments (shows is-old message before is-missing) ^ Updates translations: zh-TW 03-May-2012 : v3.2.1 ^ Removes Pro check at bottom of the page 03-May-2012 : v3.2.0 + Adds all Pro functionality to Free version ! Removes Pro version 02-May-2012 : v3.1.1 # [FREE] Fixes issue with false message on upgrade about having to uninstall 01-May-2012 : v3.1.0 ^ Increases page load speed by changing how xml files are loaded 26-Apr-2012 : v3.0.10 + Adds proxy settings to Free version too 20-Apr-2012 : v3.0.9 # Fixes issue with all installs failing (caused by fix in 3.0.8) 19-Apr-2012 : v3.0.8 # Fixes issue with install popup showing Access Denied on some setups 17-Apr-2012 : v3.0.7 # Fixes issue with spaces around download key causing it to fail check # [J1.5] Fixes issue with installer returning failed message when successful in FireFox 16-Apr-2012 : v3.0.6 + Adds translations: nb-NO ^ Updates language file (en-GB) ^ Updates translations: de-DE, pt-BR, zh-TW # Fixes issue with extension icons in popup not showing 13-Apr-2012 : v3.0.5 # [FREE] Fixes issue with not being able to install over top of old pre-Free version 13-Apr-2012 : v3.0.4 ^ Changes download key field type to password, so key is unreadable ^ Updates translations: th-TH, zh-TW # Fixes issue with spaces around download key causing it to fail check 12-Apr-2012 : v3.0.3 + Adds translations: zh-TW ^ Updates translations: et-EE, lt-LT, sv-SE # [J1.5] Fixes issue with installer returning failed message when successful 10-Apr-2012 : v3.0.2 # SECURITY FIX: Fixes URL injection vulnerability in NoNumber Framework 07-Apr-2012 : v3.0.1 # Fixes issue with old extensions being selectable when no Pro is accessible # Fixes issue with old extensions showing message if Pro is accessible 06-Apr-2012 : v3.0.0 + Adds modal popup for action and progress + Adds translations: ar-AA, ar-SA, et-EE + [PRO] Adds ability to uninstall ^ Completely recoded ^ Completely restyled ^ Improves messaging (comments) ^ Improves speed by collecting external data with only one request ^ Now available as Pro and Free version ^ Updates translations: pt-PT, sk-SK 10-Jan-2012 : v2.6.10 # Fixes issue with installer not removing the folder/zip from the tmp 09-Jan-2012 : v2.6.9 ^ Changes way the mootools version is detected ^ Updates translations: th-TH # [J1.7+] Fixes issue with links to modules not working correctly 22-Dec-2011 : v2.6.8 + Adds translations: hu-HU, pt-PT ^ Updates translations: fr-FR, it-IT, ru-RU # [J1.7] Fixes issue with script breaking, causing data not being checked 05-Dec-2011 : v2.6.7 # Fixes issue with core search pages not working because of NoNumber Framework 02-Dec-2011 : v2.6.6 + [J1.7] Adds Better Preview ^ Updates translations: ru-RU 01-Dec-2011 : v2.6.5 + Adds message about php 5.2 incompatibility on those setups + [J1.7] Adds extension: Add to Menu + [J1.7] Adds extension: Snippets 01-Dec-2011 : v2.6.4 + Adds translations: bn-BD + [J1.7] Adds extension: AdminBar Docker + [J1.7] Adds extension: Content Templater ^ Cleans up more code ^ Updates translations: ja-JP, sl-SI 04-Nov-2011 : v2.6.3 + [J1.7] Adds extension: ReReplacer ^ Cleans code syntax (no longer guaranteed support for php 5.2.x and lower) 17-Oct-2011 : v2.6.2 # Fixes security issue in NoNumber Framework plugin 09-Oct-2011 : v2.6.1 # Fixes issue with missing link in components menu (with v2.6.0) 08-Oct-2011 : v2.6.0 ! Removes available language checks ^ Cleans up some code (like no more use of DS) ^ Improves installer ^ Moves translation language files to main package (no more language packs) # Fixes issue with language strings that have single quotes 26-Sep-2011 : v2.5.1 # Fixes issue with php error on installation on some Joomla 1.7 setups # [J1.7] Fixes issue with sql error (check for com_advancedmodules) 16-Sep-2011 : v2.5.0 ^ Changes NoNumber Elements plugin to NoNumber Framework ^ Moves common language strings to NoNumber Framework files # Fixes missing language strings (for Tooltips) 13-Aug-2011 : v2.4.8 + [J1.7] Adds extension: Advanced Module Manager 05-Aug-2011 : v2.4.7 # Fixes some issues with elements 18-Jul-2011 : v2.4.6 # [J1.7] Fixes issue with install problems on some setups 05-Jul-2011 : v2.4.5 + Adds extension: Tooltips + [J1.7] Adds extension: Modalizer + [J1.7] Adds extension: Sourcerer 20-Jun-2011 : v2.4.4 # [J1.5] Fixes issue with installation problems 18-Jun-2011 : v2.4.3 # [J1.7] Fixes issue with install problems 18-Jun-2011 : v2.4.2 + [J1.6] Adds extension: CDN for Joomla! + [J1.6] Adds extension: Timed Styles + [J1.6] Adds extension:DB Replacer # Fixes issue with security extensions causing external url calls to fail 06-Jun-2011 : v2.4.1 # [J1.7] Fixes issue with install problems 23-May-2011 : v2.4.0 + Joomla 1.7 compatible! ^ Changes way the mootools version is detected 20-Apr-2011 : v2.3.1 # Fixes issue with Turkish language file error on installation # Fixes issue with javascript breaking on Safari browsers # Fixes issue with proxy language strings not being correct 06-Apr-2011 : v2.3.0 + Adds option to install/update language files # Fixes issue with selection being emptied on pressing 'install selected' button # Fixes issues with javascript errors concerning checkboxes 30-Mar-2011 : v2.2.2 + Adds check to see if all parts of the extension are installed + Adds option to set proxy server for outside connections # Fixes issue with checkboxes of hidden extensions being selected 25-Mar-2011 : v2.2.1 # Fixes issues with javascript errors on non-FireFox browsers (with mtupgrade) # Fixes issues with language strings not working in some cases 18-Mar-2011 : v2.2.0 + Adds descriptions to language files (no longer collected externally) ! Removes 'installed' column (version column already gives that info) ! Removes description column ! Removes modal popup option for opening extensions ^ Moves description tooltip to extension name # Fixes some issues with language strings 01-Mar-2011 : v2.1.4 ^ Changes language files to be J1.6 ready ^ Changes some extension icons # Fixes issue with links to component pages opening in modal popup 08-Feb-2011 : v2.1.3 + Adds Check Data button to each extension line + Adds error numbers to install errors # Fixes issue with installing via curl failing on some setups # Fixes some tooltips 15-Jan-2011 : v2.1.2 ^ Changes display of install/update all buttons (ghosted) # Fixes issue with extensions failing to install if download is slow 14-Jan-2011 : v2.1.1 + Adds button to show/hide not installed extensions ^ Changes extension icons ^ Changes main refresh button to a Check Data button # Fixes issue with Update/Install All buttons not using curl # Fixes issue with default setting Check All not being correct # Fixes issue with language strings from core installer # Fixes issue with untranslated language strings in config popup 23-Dec-2010 : v2.1.0 + Adds option to only collect external data from installed extensions + Adds option to open these pages in modal popup pages + Adds type icons and links to the extensions ^ Changes method of downloading of files to support curl # Fixes issue with IE8 (and lower) javascript errors on checking 10-Dec-2010 : v2.0.4 # Fixes issue with install/update all buttons not appearing 03-Dec-2010 : v2.0.2 # Fixes issue with wrong version number # Fixes some javascript issues with MooTools 1.2 03-Dec-2010 : v2.0.0 + Adds option to not collect external data on pageload ^ Changes way external data is collected (making it much faster) 25-Nov-2010 : v1.6.0 + Adds checks to see if NoNumber Elements plugin is installed/enabled + Adds download icons ^ Fixes and updated all language strings # Fixes issue with install all button disappearing 09-Nov-2010 : v1.5.1 # Fixes issue with installing/updating not working with MooTools Upgrade plugin 08-Nov-2010 : v1.5.0 + Adds Timed Styles and Slider to the list ^ Made MooTools 1.2 compatible 03-Nov-2010 : v1.4.3 + Adds Tabber to the list ^ Changes layout a bit 19-Oct-2010 : v1.4.2 + Adds CDN for Joomla! to the list 26-Sep-2010 : v1.4.1 # Fixes issue with info not being able to be checked on some servers 29-Jul-2010 : v1.4.0 + Adds confirm popup on install all buttons + Adds display of ghosted input fields when valid code for all is entered + Adds link to extension names + Adds select boxes and install selected button ! Removes link column ^ Changes layout a bit 27-Jul-2010 : v1.3.3 + Adds message about cleaning browsers cache when installing/updating all (not in 1.3.2) 27-Jul-2010 : v1.3.2 + Adds message about cleaning browsers cache when installing/updating all # Fixes issue with new version number not being placed in install links 26-Jul-2010 : v1.3.1 + Adds refresh icons for each row ^ Improves saving of license codes # Fixes issue with install buttons sometimes doing install twice # Fixes issue with install state and version number not updating when refreshing row 24-Jul-2010 : v1.3.0 + Adds a button to install all extensions that are not already installed + Adds a button to update all outdated extensions + Adds description icon + Adds refresh all icon ^ Changes icons a bit ^ Changes refresh icons to refresh whole row ^ Changes way license codes are saved (now via ajax) ^ Changes way versions and licenses are checked (no more base64) ^ Combines license and extension page in one ^ Improves main javascript files 19-Jul-2010 : v1.2.0 + Adds changelog icon + Adds display of version number of the NoNumber Elements + Adds download button + Adds install/update buttons ^ Change way version is checked ^ Changes names and order of the pages (Licenses / Versions) 10-Jul-2010 : v1.1.5 # Fixes issue with submenu items (Versions / Licenses) not being added 02-Jul-2010 : v1.1.4 + Adds DB Replacer and Snippets to the list 23-Jun-2010 : v1.1.3 # Fixes issue with code looping, causing page timeouts 22-Jun-2010 : v1.1.2 # Fixes issue with undefined properties 22-Feb-2010 : v1.1.1 ! Removes FrontpagePlus from the list # Fixes issue with database table not being installed # Fixes issue with submenu items not being created 12-Feb-2010 : v1.1.0 (Requires new License codes. Old codes won't work anymore!) # Fixes issue with code not check not being same for all php versions / setups 01-Feb-2010 : v1.0.2 ^ Removes version number caching from versions page # Fixes issue with deprecated syntax for php 5.3+ # Fixes issue with hosts under a secondary level domain (like .co.uk) 26-Jan-2010 : v1.0.1 + Adds links to versions and licenses pages in the toolbar # Fixes location of Joomla! DTD files 18-Jan-2010 : v1.0.0 + First release